To start us off this week, Tolerance.org has a collection of resources on teaching Thanksgiving in a socially responsible way.
This study from Nature Communications found that the optimal zone for learning was at an 85% success rate. When things are too easy or too difficult, learning doesn’t progress as quickly. Christine plans to pair this information with a binge of the Great British Baking show to make this the Winter of Bread Making.
Children and artists both need the right combination of time, space, and materials to thrive creatively.
Good habits, bad habits. A conversation with Wendy Wood on her new research into habits, self-control, and the role our environments have in shaping behavior.
This planter system transforms fences into gardens. Is it too early to think about spring?
Annie Dillard reminds us to choose presence over productivity: “How we spend our days is how we spend our lives.”
Ibram X. Kendi shares 21 books to read after Michelle Obama’s Becoming.
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Have a lovely weekend,
Christine & Kristi